This article is from Feb 24, 2021

Did the astrologer insult the Nadar Community? What is the truth?

In recent times, most of us have seen an astrologer video circulating in social media. In that video, he said that in his grandfather’s time, talking about the cruelty inflicted on a boy belonging to a particular community, became controversial on social media. Some social media users cutting out just a part of that video and sharing it as much as he spoke against a particular community. We will see the rest of the details he said in that video in this post.

The video was featured in an astrological discourse by Arulamutham Parthasarathy on the eve of the 2018 Gurupayerchi. In it, he talks about zodiac benefits, ​​marriage bond in astrology and many other astrological matters.

In it, at one point (17:25) he said, “Now no one is humble in everything, and there is no Sutra because there is no slave. During my grandfather’s time, a boy from the Nadar community walked down the street and was beaten upside down. ”

But, following that he said “My grandfather died prematurely for that sin and my mother’s sister was mentally ill. Sin does not leave anyone idle. There is no one here called Sutra, now everything is no one addicted, there is no Sutra because there is no slave. There is no formula for lack of humility. The beggar cannot be humiliated for his position.”

In this video, which runs for over 50 minutes, he talks about many things. Many of them may have an alternative opinion. But, it is not right to sow hatred in him as if he is misrepresenting a society by cutting it in half and not showing what he said in full.

Link :

Does the Guru need fruit and fit for marriage? by Arulamudham R. Parthasarathy


beggara pauper who lives by beggingMore (Definitions, Synonyms, Translation)

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