No space for SC, ST in Uttar Pradesh Police and Judiciary? But Modi makes a big talk about reservations.

In addition to not being diverse enough, Uttar Pradesh stands last in India Justice Report for 3 straight years.

The ongoing Lok Sabha election campaigns have been increasingly focused on reservations in the past few days. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi making farcical claims that Congress and it’s manifestoes are intending to take away the reservation from the OBCs, SCs and STs to give it to the Muslims. There have been many such delirious claims made regarding reservations by the right-wing spearheaded by PM Modi. The right-wing organizations have been historically opposed to reservations until very recently.

Uttar Pradesh, being ruled by the BJP since 2017, has been projected as the ‘Hindutva’ model state to the nation and Yogi Adityanath’s abominable handling of the land & order using bulldozers are being adopted by other BJP ruled states as well. Moreover, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is elected to the Parliament from Varanasi, a holy city in Uttar Pradesh. Seeking a rare third term at office, PM Modi had stayed painstakingly focused on shifting the narrative from the 10-year performance of his rule to the issues such as Pakistan, Inheritance Tax, Mangalsutra, Hindu-Muslim divide etc. One important rhetoric that PM Modi and his troops have been repeating is on the issue of Reservation. So, it is important to look at how Uttar Pradesh has been doing with regards to reservations and social diversity and for that exercise, we turn to the India Justice Report 2022.

According to the Report, 26% of the Officer level posts reserved for the OBCs in the UP Police Department have been kept vacant. Shockingly, 57% of the posts reserved for Scheduled Castes and 73% reserved for Scheduled Tribes have been kept vacant in the Police Department in the Officer ranks. Similarly, in the Sub-ordinate courts, 36% posts reserved for SCs and 55% reserved for STs have been kept vacant. Meanwhile, 17% of the posts reserved for OBCs have been kept vacant in Uttar Pradesh.

UP finishes in the last place:

With poor performance across the board, Uttar Pradesh has finished last in the rankings among all the 18 medium-to-large states. In the four categories that have been considered in the report, UP performed relatively better with 15th position in Police Department and Judiciary. UP secured17th position in Prisons and 18th (last) position in Legal Aid. In fact, UP has got last place in overall rankings in 2019 and 2020 as well.

Discussion on UP’s Future?

Apart from India Justice Report findings, UP does fares in the bottom half of almost all social indicators. Rather than focusing the attention and channelizing the political discussion on solving these issues, the state has been subject to intense polarization attempts by the BJP, the state’s Chief minister Yogi Adityanath and PM Modi. Instead of attempts to reverse these trends, actions by the right-wing Hindutva leaders and the BJP has been pushing hard for further saffronization of the state. Being the most populous state in India and more populous than most nations in the world, Uttar Pradesh and its people deserve better than this.

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Ramasamy Jayaprakash

Ramasamy works as a Senior Sub-Editor at YouTurn and writes articles in Tamil and English. He also makes videos for YouTurn's Tamil & English YouTube channels.
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