Karnataka Congress BLDE Association letter by MB Patil dated 2017 is digitally created fake!

The Karnataka Congress has labeled the letter as fraudulent and refuted the rumors.


Look carefully to what extent the Congress can go to meanness. Karnataka Congress minister M B Patil has clearly written in his letter to Sonia Gandhi that if you want to defeat the BJP, then divide the Hindus. By Global Christian Council and World Islamic Organisation.*

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The massive voting took place in six parts, on April 19, April 26, May 7, May 13, May 20, and May 25. The seventh round of elections scheduled for June 1, 2024. The two main parties are actively campaigning against each other in this instance as part of their final round of campaigns.

In this instance, we see a picture of the BLDE Association circular, which Congress minister M B Patil has signed. The intended recipient of the letter is Congresswoman Sonia Gandhi. It stated that the Divide-Hindus-Unit-Muslims strategy will help the Congress win the 2018 election. Even though the letter is from 2017 written for the 2018 Lok Sabha election, it created confusion and panic among the public now.

Moreover, this post was shared with a claim stating, “Look carefully to what extent the Congress can go to meanness. Karnataka Congress minister M B Patil has clearly written in his letter to Sonia Gandhi that if you want to defeat the BJP, then divide the Hindus. By Global Christian Council and World Islamic Organisation.” Come, let’s check if the viral claims are true.

What’s the truth?

We began our investigation by searching Google for pertinent terms such as “Congress BLDE 2017 Patil letter” and “BLDE circular for 2018 election.” Following this, we found two tweets from the Karnataka Congress in April 2019.

According to the first tweet, “A fake propaganda article by fake news factory Postcard which was deleted in 2018 by them is now being recycled by desperate and rattled @BJP4Karnataka as they know they will be reduced to single digits in Karnataka.” The BJP Karnataka’s fake letter was also featured in the post.

They also went on to add in the comment, “TwitterIndia please note that a verified account @BJP4Karnataka has been constantly indulging in spreading fake news and hatching propaganda. This is a clear violation of Twitter terms. It is high time you take action against this.”

When we searched further, we found another tweet by the Karnataka Congress on the same date along with a video. In the video, we can see the Congress minister M B Patil having the paper in his hands and refuting the fake claims against the Congress. He also added they would take legal action against the people responsible for this act.

Also, he went on to add that, “The letter is FAKE. Initiating legal action for forgery against those who produced and published it. Will pursue this matter to its logical legal conclusion, even to the Supreme court if need be, against all those who are involved”.

All of this material makes it clear that the widely circulated letter purporting to represent the Congress and advocating for the division of Hindus and unity among Muslims was created digitally and is bogus.


We, therefore, conclude that the widely circulated rumor that M B Patil, a minister for the Karnataka Congress, wrote Sonia Gandhi a letter advising her to divide the Hindus to defeat the BJP is a fabricated letter. The Karnataka Congress has denied the allegations and referred to the letter as “phony.”

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Indu Meenakshi

Indu Meenakshi is a former Microbiologist-turned-journalist, works as a Sub-Editor at YouTurn. She additionally holds Master’s in Management and English Literature. As a fact-checker, her job entails actively dispelling false information found online, exposing fake news, and raising public awareness.
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