Old, unrelated videos shared as visuals from France riots.



Video 1

France elected a secular Liberal Macron as President leaving a nationalist woman, see the result.

Twitter Link

Video 2

#FranceProtest. France fall down

Twitter Link

Video 3

The city sniper with the position and all, lookout lookout well with his sniper rifle firearm gun, monitor stalk camper call of duty

Twitter Link


A 17-year-old boy, Nahel of Algerian origin, was killed by police on 27, June 2023 in France. He was shot in the chest for driving off during a police traffic check. This sparked clashes, riots and arson attacks across France. Vehicles and streets were set alight. The Paris suburb Mayor’s house was also rammed by the rioters. In an effort to quell the protest, police arrested thousands of protesters. It is reported that France appeared relatively calmer on Sunday night with a lower number of arrests and incidents of violence.

Meanwhile, multiple visuals are shared attributing to the recent France riots. One such visual purportedly showing airstrikes in Paris is shared with the hashtag ‘France Protest’. Another video showing a person armed with a sniper rifle gun is also shared as a clip from recent riot.

One of the videos showing raining cars from a building crashing onto the streets set alight is extremely viral. Some of the posts with visuals attributing to France riots can be seen here and here.


What is the truth?

When reverse-searching the keyframes of the viral video and further searching with relative keywords we found that the videos are old and unrelated to France protests.

Video 1

The visuals from the video of cars from a building crashing onto the streets set alight are found featured on Mirror website mentioning them as a ‘Fast and Furious stunt caught on camera’. The news report mentions “One onlooker captured the vehicles bursting into flames as they crashed onto the streets of Cleveland, Ohio”.

Multiple Youtube videos mentioning the visual as Fast and Furious 8 scenes are found. A video uploaded by the El San channel in June 2016 describes that they are real cars launched from a garage in downtown Cleveland. Another video uploaded in July 2017 is found carrying the movie scene of raining cars.

Video 2

The video purportedly showing airstrikes is found featured on Independent website a year ago mentioning that it is a deep fake video. This deep fake capturing Paris being hit by airstrikes was earlier shared by Ukrainian Minister.

Al Jazeera quoted the video as a simulated one with the description “Ukraine’s defence ministry shared a simulated video depicting a military attack on Paris, stepping up calls on Western powers to impose a no-fly zone over the country”, in March 2022.

Video 3

The video clip of a person with a sniper rifle firearm gun is found posted on TikTok and Twitter in March and May 2023.

The earliest version of the video was found tweeted on 14, March 2022. We could not ascertain the source of the video. However, we found that the video is old and is not related to the ongoing France riots.


It is found that the videos of a man armed with a sniper rifle gun, cars crashing onto the streets set alight and airstrikes in Paris are old and unrelated to the ongoing France riots.

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