Numerous outdated footages are being shared as recent Dubai floods.


Claim 1 


X Link

Claim 2

This was a pretty intense sight watching the storm over Dubai today.

X Link

Claim 3 

Habibi don’t go to Dubai. Scenes from Dubai Mall

X Link 



Dubai, as we know the country known for its dry atmosphere and blistering temperatures, was thrown into chaos on April 16th as heavy rains hit the United Arab Emirates (UAE), disrupting air travel and creating serious flooding throughout the desert country. 

Meanwhile, much of the flood’s footage is purportedly on X (previously Twitter) and claims it’s from the recent Dubai flood. In one video, we can see cars floating on the water and a man standing on the bridge. In this video, we can easily see that many cars are floating and the whole city has sunk. In another viral video, we can see the Museum of the Future, and in heavy rain and thunderstorms, we can see it. It has been shared as, “a pretty intense sight watching the storm over Dubai today, and it was shared on April 17, 2024.” 

The third viral video has been viewed by more than 10.5K, and in this viral video we can see heavy water coming out of the roof. It claimed that the scenes are from Dubai Mall, and on the viral video it has the words “rains in Dubai 2024”. These videos are widely shared, and it’s claimed that they’re all from recent Dubai flood footage. 

What’s the truth? 

We ran a reverse search using the keyframes of the viral video to find out whether the videos were recent or old and whether they were relevant or not. 

FactCheck: Claim 1 

The viral video of cars floating in the flood and the full city sinking is posted on TikTok mentioning it as Saudi Arabia. This video was posted on January 31 on Tik Tok by the account named Disaster827, and by sharing this video, we can see the account user mentioned Saudi Arabia and hashtags such as flood and rain. The Tik Tok account user posted numerous edited videos of the disasters. Though we could not confirm where the video is from, we could ascertain that the video is not from the recent Dubai floods.

FactCheck: Claim 2 

The heavy thunderstorm and rain viral video is also not recent. When we ran a reverse search for this viral video, we found the exact video posted on the Instagram page ‘Discover Earth’ on October 28, 2023. This clarifies that the viral video of the thunderstorm is not recent, but it is an old one that has been falsely shared as recent.


 FactCheck: Claim 3 

The viral video of water heavily coming out of Dubai Mall’s roof is not from most recent Dubai flood footage, but the video is actually old and was posted by YouTube channel High Tech Studio on November 10, 2019.  

We deduce that all the viral videos related to the recent Dubai flood have been identified as old or irrelevant to the recent disaster. Dubai streets indeed turned into rivers after heavy rainfall. However, these particular viral visuals are old and unrelated. 


The actual visuals from the recent Dubai floods can be seen posted by Al Jazeera.


Multiple old videos have been falsely shared and linked to the recent Dubai flood.

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