This article is from Sep 07, 2021

A viral video claiming as Shanghai’s bridge in China. What is the truth?


A million Yuan RMB invested in the Shanghai Nanban bridge is the first of its kind in Asia.

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It is known that China is developing the country’s infrastructure. A 9-second video claiming it as Nanban bridge constructed in Shanghai, China is viral widely in this situation. The video has gained more than one million views.

What is the Truth?

When searched for the Nanban bridge in China, photographs and videos of the Nanpu Bridge, Shanghai, were found. The Nanpu bridge was constructed across Huangpu in 1991.

However, the videos found while searching for the bridge and the viral video have different models of roads but in the same spherical structure.

When the 9-second video is watched closely, we can spot the vehicles on roads getting repeated in the next lanes. The set of vehicles in the first 6 lanes are repeated till the end.

When the keyframes of the video are reverse searched, the edited videos of Shanghai’s Nanpu bridge for TikTok were found. These videos resemble viral videos.


The post that claims a video as Nanban bridge in China’s Shanghai is an edited version of the original view of the bridge.


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