Staged video of a woman doctor saving the life of an old man is viral!


She justifies the real meaning of the word “doctor.” 

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A 54-second viral video shows an old man lying in the footpath as he met with an accident and was bleeding. All of a sudden, a doctor crossing him in a bike noticed this and started treating and feeding him.

This viral video is shared to claim that the video is of a real incident. In this viral video, maximum social media users started praising her, and this video captioned, ‘Your degree is just a piece of paper; your real education is seen in your behavior’.

The same viral video was widely shared by the social media user and can be seen here and here

What’s the truth? 

We ran a reverse search using the keyframes of viral videos, and we were unable to find the exact video, but however, we found the 123 Videos YouTube channel where we saw multiple videos uploaded in the same format.

Also, the same injured old man is found in two different staged videos on the YouTube channel 123 Videos. The first one was ‘Salute to the doctor’ video, and another one is ‘Salute to the army man’. 

In both videos, we can see the same old man in different roles in two different videos.  And all the videos uploaded in this page is captioned as ‘social awareness’ videos. Most of the videos on this channel show someone helping a person seen injured or falling sick on the road. 

Accordingly, we identify that the viral video of the doctor saving an injured man’s life is actually a well-planned scripted video and that it did not happen in reality. 


The viral video of a woman doctor saving the life of an injured man is a well-planned, scripted video. 

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